MERIDEN — The city’s Planning Commission voted unanimously earlier this week to conditionally approve a developer’s plan to build 32 market rate apartments at 1544 E. Main Street. Developer 94 Warner Associates plans to build the apartments on 2.85 acres behind an existing condominium complex. The east side lot is zoned commercial on the south, east, and west, and residential on the north. The plan calls for 14 duplex units and one four-unit building. The developer proposed providing 2.9 parking spaces per unit. An existing single-family home on the property will be demolished to make way for the complex. The plan also includes grading for sightline improvements on the north and south of the property and installation of a drain line. 95 Warner will also build an emergency access driveway across a right of way on East Main Street. SLR Consultants found that traffic from the development will not impact the area. The conditions of approval included some changes to the site plan, including utility, engineering and landscaping improvements. It also called for lowering the height of the buildings to 38 feet. The developer must also post a construction storm water management plan in city land records. City staff will set a bond on erosion and sedimentation, public improvements and work in the city right of way. City staff will also sign off on landscaping. Planning Commission members generally liked the proposal because it increased rental housing on the east side. “I think there is a need,” Commissioner Elain Cariati said during Wednesday’s meeting. “We have people who don’t want the upkeep of a residential home, so this is a great alternative. It will be an improvement in the area and add to the tax base, which is exactly what we need.” mgodin@record-journal.com203-317-2255Twitter: @Cconnbiz
MERIDEN — The city’s Planning Commission voted unanimously earlier this week to conditionally approve a developer’s plan to build 32 market rate apartments at 1544 E. Main Street.
Developer 94 Warner Associates plans to build the apartments on 2.85 acres behind an existing condominium complex. The east side lot is zoned commercial on the south, east, and west, and residential on the north.
The plan calls for 14 duplex units and one four-unit building. The developer proposed providing 2.9 parking spaces per unit. An existing single-family home on the property will be demolished to make way for the complex.
The plan also includes grading for sightline improvements on the north and south of the property and installation of a drain line. 95 Warner will also build an emergency access driveway across a right of way on East Main Street.
SLR Consultants found that traffic from the development will not impact the area.
The conditions of approval included some changes to the site plan, including utility, engineering and landscaping improvements. It also called for lowering the height of the buildings to 38 feet.
The developer must also post a construction storm water management plan in city land records. City staff will set a bond on erosion and sedimentation, public improvements and work in the city right of way. City staff will also sign off on landscaping.
Planning Commission members generally liked the proposal because it increased rental housing on the east side.
“I think there is a need,” Commissioner Elain Cariati said during Wednesday’s meeting. “We have people who don’t want the upkeep of a residential home, so this is a great alternative. It will be an improvement in the area and add to the tax base, which is exactly what we need.”
mgodin@record-journal.com203-317-2255Twitter: @Cconnbiz
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