Part 1 of our first SI Fan Nation All Dolphins mailbag of training camp:
Based on early indications, which position group needs to add veteran depth. Sanu signing a bit confusing, I think DT depth or ILB more critical. Thoughts?
Hey Reza, at the start of camp, I might have said that cornerback depth was a major concern, but I have really liked what I have seen from Noah Igbinoghene and Trill Williams so far. The Sanu signing indeed was a bit confusing, though it might have come down to the Dolphins wanting a certain number of wide receivers on the roster and Cody Core headed for the non-football injury list. As for the biggest depth concerns right now, I’m thinking maybe the offensive line gets that nod, with defensive tackles not far behind.
Hi Alain, am I being bold by saying that Waddle may have a better season than Hill, plus will the defensive line be better against the run this year and can it be possible that they become a top 10 defense this year?
Hey Jorge, your Waddle thought is very interesting because he’s clearly a quality wide receiver, but Hill is special, so at this point I would say that’s truly a bold statement. The run defense is a big question mark heading into the season because it was just so-so last year. If it can show significant improvement, then, yes, the defense could become a top 10 unit.
How’s the O-line looking so far?
Hey Derek, understanding that it’s very early in camp and the pads haven’t come on yet and the D-line has an advantage at this point, I’d say the offensive line has been adequate. Nothing great, nothing terrible. Again, though, it’s very early to have a clear picture. That’ll come during Tampa Bay week.
Have you read the great new book, SEVENTEEN AND OH, about the '72 Dolphins? I’m curious what you think about it, and if your readers have read it.
Hey Robert, I have not had the chance to read the book yet, though I certainly would be interested in checking it out. I also highly recommend a book called “Still Perfect” written several years back by South Florida columnist Dave Hyde, who’s just a brilliant writer. And I’d say that about Dave and about the book even if not for the fact I served as a copy editor for “Still Perfect.”
Given the uncertainty of the offensive line, what would be your stamp of approval for a good season for them? And who do you think is going to surprise? Thank you sir.
Thanks Billy, I’m not sure what kind of exact figures I could give you as goals for the O-line, but a 4.0 average in the running game would be a good start and pass protection that ranks in the middle of the league. As for a player who could surprise, I’m thinking that Austin Jackson is in for a big-time step-up season. He’s a good fit for the new scheme and there is some talent there that hasn’t been unleashed yet.
It’s early, but do you see greater intensity in practices? We’ve heard about Hill’s work ethic, and video of orange-jerseyed Waddle catch looked intense.
Hey John, I know it would be a popular answer to say, yes, everything is faster, better and more intense, but training camp is training camp. I don’t really recall a training camp, especially one with a first-year head coach, that wasn’t intense or full of energy. That said, you’re right about Hill’s work ethic. That dude is nonstop.
Hey, Alain. I enjoyed reading your bold prediction for the Dolphins, which is a home victory against the Bills. Does this mean you’re predicting the Dolphins to go 3-2 (wins against the Patriots, Bills, and Jets) in their first 5 games? Thanks!
Hey Chris, hmm, interesting question. I haven’t really done the game-by-game prediction thing because too much changes from now until the games actually are played. That said, I think the games at Baltimore and Cincinnati (Weeks 2, 4) are going to be awfully challenging, New England is never going to be a picnic and I’ve said before I think the Jets are going to be a lot better than they were last season. So, without predicting, I absolutely could see 3-2, but it’s not going to be easy.
Can you shed some light on differences you’ve noticed from offensive players this training camp compared to last? i.e. Do you notice a difference in conditioning with Tua or Waddle yet? I know it’s early, but I’m curious on the opening of this year’s camp compared to the last.
Hey Steve, as I discussed earlier, the notion that one camp varies greatly from another is overblown. Most players try to work on their body during the offseason, so guys showing up in better shape than the previous year is an annual event. I haven’t really noticed a major difference in conditioning with Tua or Waddle, who looked just fine from that standpoint last summer and look just fine again this year.
Hey my friend, haven’t heard a peep about Cedrick Wilson or Gesicki. Any observations?
Hey Dana, in the first three days of camp, I’d be lying if I said that either player has stood out. I think I’ve charted Gesicki with one catch in team drills and maybe the same with Wilson. Hill and Waddle have been the ones who have been hoarding the catch in team drills, with Erik Ezukanma and Braylon Sanders also getting their share. Haven’t really noticed Gesicki blocking in the running game, either, though that phase can’t truly be evaluated until the pads come on.