For Sale: John Deere MX8 shredder, 8’, (2) to choose from $3500 OBO ; Wanted: 22-24’ Bay boat, outboard motor – 979-716-2385
Moving Sale: Fri. 9a-6p and Sat. 9a-4p 1909 Maize Ct. (off Stone St., in Ralston Creek Subdivision) ; antiques, dresser and mirror, Oak library table, server and buffet, pr. of twin beds, leather sofa, oriental rugs, lamps, dishes, glassware, pr. of wing back chairs, patio rockers, loveseat, sleeper sofa, mirrors, Ginny Lynn bed, bird houses, corn sheller, grinding wheel, bar stools, side chairs and tables, art work, bedding, Victorian loveseat, books, and much, much more
For Sale: Whirlpool stainless steel stove, gas ; Kenmore portable dishwasher, black ; Gracco bassinet, like new, move and soothe – 979-836-4562
For Sale: ’96 Chevy ¾ ton truck, cab and a half, white, roll up windows, a/c, 273K mi., good work truck $4800 OBO – 979-251-1336
Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 9a-1p 1401 Cedar St. ; 5-families
For Sale: drill press ; industrial chopsaw ; Plas Plugs sharpening system ; Bosch drywall screwdriver ; (3) nail guns ; Ryobi cordless tools ; Craftsman 19.2 volt tools and batteries – 979-421-0202
For Sale: baby beef butcher calf quarters, front quarters $495 and rear quarters $750, cut and wrap incl. ; whole heifer calves $1795 ; Wanted: someone to help cut/rake/bale hay – 713-870-7272 or
For Sale: Harley-Davidson XL1200cc Sporter CU, garage kept, only 2575 mi., black and orange, comes w/ windshield, luggage rack, (2) helmets, great gas mileage $9500 – 979-836-0986
For Sale: Wheat pennies from the 1930’s, 40’s, and ‘50’s, bags of (500) $20, smaller or larger amounts avail. – 979-203-4552 call or text
For Sale: bulls left after herd dispersal – 3 yr. old registered Brangus, bred by Oak Creek Farms $2500 and 20 mo. old pure blood Angus, bred by Double Creek Farm $3500 – 979-551-3406
For Sale: Krusher waste recycling compactor, stainless steel ; Nautilus NE 3000 elliptical trainer ; (2) Kelly Safari tires, LT28570R17 ; (2) Copper Discoverer tires, LT29570R18 ; (4) sets of old scaffolding, good cond., has angle iron braces ; can send pictures ; Wanted: windmills and windmill parts, prefer Aermotor brand – 979-885-9198
For Sale: fresh vegetables – tomatoes (green and ripe), red potatoes, onions, egg plants, salad cucumbers, bell peppers, sweet banana peppers, jalapenos ; sweet corn next week ; sm. and med. peaches ; shelled pecans – 979-836-2889
For Sale: lg. pet cage, 4x3x2.5’ $40 – 979-451-0910
For Sale: 20” boys Mongoose “Pebble” bike $70 ; set of (2) new Intex pool filter replacements $11 – 979-277-5952
For Sale: girls 18” pink bike $25 ; 3-tier glass TV stand, heavy $40 ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845
Wanted: (6) golf flag sticks – 979-203-4316
For Sale: diaper bag set, (3) matching bags (bottle bag, shoulder bag, diaper bag), brand new $10/all ; ladies tops, size M and L ; ladies jeans and capris, size 14 ; potty chair w/ bed pan ; leg and knee braces ; canvass i-Pad bag, brand new ; Thigh Master ; decorative glass fruit – 979-421-0614
Wanted: men’s and women’s bike, 29” – 979-733-7847
Wanted: milk cow ; For Sale: Brangus calf, 2 mo. old, on pellets – 979-830-7746
For Sale: 5’ Modern Manufacturing finish mower, good cond. $750 ; 6 mo. old miniature Hereford heifer $750 – 979-251-0753
Wanted: someone that snake drain, 1 ¼” dia. pipe – 979-966-2389
For Sale: goat manure $5/bag for (1-4) bags and $4/bag (5+) bags, can deliver for cost of gas if needed ; pullets, almost laying, colored eggs $18 ea. ; For TRADE: will trade Bluetooth radio for 90’s factory radio (Chevy) – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING
Wanted: (1-12) hay baler tires, older John Deere, 31x13.5x15, don’t need to hold air, NOT dry rotted or tore up bad – 979-836-7314
For Sale: goats ; Brahman bull, 3 yrs. old – 979-277-8794
For Sale: chest freezer ; side x side refrigerator, stainless steel, 3-door ; baby guinea pigs ; Toro self-propelled mower – 979-551-1826
For Sale: Australian Sheppard pups, various colors – 979-277-2565
For Sale: ’00 GMC Sonoma, one owner, 100K mi., 2-speed, 3-door, ext. cab, camper shell, garage kept pristine ; set of u-bolts ; DR mower, ready to go ; John Deere riding mower, 36” cut ; Cub Cadet self-propelled mower – 979-830-9095
Estate Sale: Fri. 9a-4p and Sat. 9a-3p 12545 Nuberg Rd. (Cat Spring, across from Lutheran Cemetery) – 281-808-1754
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